The tapestry is an enduring artefact representing skills that have remained unchanged for centuries, and a repeated curiosity on the part of artists to challenge and extend those skills. Tradition is inherent, yet innovation is now proven necessary for a sustainable future.
Ahmed Moustafa is one such curious artist, whose work has its foundations in Islamic faith and Arabic culture, yet who has his studio and working life based in the West. In him, therefore, is manifested a cultural conjunction whose expression through tapestry further emphasises its historical, inter-cultural relationships. His partnership with Ateliers Pinton in Aubusson, Fance, which started back in the summer of 1982, exemplifies the on-going potential for the medium.
Divine Bedrock of Human Artistry
- Tapestries
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- Woven by Ateliers Pinton, Felletin, Aubusson, France, 2013/14 This tapestry is one of a kind – 1/1 – there are no editions.
Interior in the Exterior
- Tapestries
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- Interior in the Exterior | 1987 Inspired by surah 2 verse 255 of the Holy Qur'an, Tapestry woven by Pinton, Felletin-Aubusson, France, 1988. Original composition originated 1987 CE / 1407 AH.
Landscape in Due Measure and Proportion
- Tapestries
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- Woven by Ateliers Pinton, Felletin, Aubusson, France, 2013/14 This tapestry is one of a kind - 1/1 - there are no editions.
The Invisible Warriors of Badr
- Tapestries
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- Woven by Pinton Studios, Felletin, Aubusson, France, 1981
Three Jesting Horses
- Tapestries
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- Woven by Ateliers Pinton, Felletin, Aubusson, France, 2013/14 This tapestry is one of a kind – 1/1 – there are no editions.